school - preschool news

Can We Stay Longer? 

s- prek endEach year when May rolls around the preschoolers get out of school just like our big school. With such a close bond that develops with teachers and friends during the school year, preschoolers are often asking, "Can we stay longer, Mommy?" 

With a school readiness emphasis and social and academic progress ensured, the group of little ones has freedom to develop and enjoy their school days from the start. From class time, story time, art time, and lots of academic related play time, the children grow as Jesus grew - "in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and man." Most of all, teachers find great joy in giving the children the Gospel and showing them what living the Gospel looks like in every day life. What a joy to influence today's generation to be followers of Jesus!

Click here to view photos of the 2021 school year. 

Learning in Progress 

s-prek program 2019When getting to the end of a preschool year, learning may not be as visible as could be observed in older children. However, preschool director Megan Coats was happy to testify of her observations and said, “The students adapt to the routine and learn what is expected. We love to see the students achieve on their levels. To note the academic growth, 4K students were tested in October and then retested again in May to see what they had learned. It was amazing to see how those who could barely recognize letters and numbers being able to recognize the entire alphabet.”  

In celebration of their year, the 4K class presented "Learning in Progress" to show what they had accomplished throughout the year. They demonstrated through music and dressed as community helpers, such as a doctor, teacher, fire fighter, dentist and police officer. Students told their audience what each helper does for their community. In addition, the class quoted Scripture with their ABC acrostic: “’Ask and it shall be given...’, ‘Be ye kind on to another...’ and ‘Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.’” 

Included as a part of the song program, the 3K class joined the 4K students in singing “He's Still Working on Me" and "Making Melody." As the 4K celebrated going to Kindergarten, each student in the class received a certificate for completing preschool. Mrs. Coats said, "The students' hard word and the teachers' dedication really shone through in their program performance." 

After the program the classes finished their celebration at Kidz Bounce Party in Asheboro. 

Summing up the successes of the school year, Mrs. Coats also said, "The end of the year is bitter-sweet because of the relationships we have formed with each student and family. They became a part of our Faith family, and we grew to love them as our own children." 

Click here to view photos. 


Growing in Every Way

What is a day like in the life of a preschooler? The preschoolers engage in activity throughout their mornings, with a great emphasis on development in every area - academically, socially, physically and spiritually. The preschool teachers take the time to get to know their students and supply them the foundational needs for learning success. Preschool director Megan Coats said, "We prepare them socially. We teach respect for our leaders. We focus on academic development without pressuring the students to learn a certain amount, but instead meet their needs and let them progress at their own levels. We also like to stay on track by knowing what is expected of the children in K-5." 

Each day is a learning experience ignited by fun. Mrs. Coats said, "After getting settled in on a normal day, we talk about the day - the calendar and the weather. We have Bible time with a story, engaging the students in songs and questions to help them participate. We enjoy center time for both academic and social development. Our work time includes a lot of visual, auditory and kinesthetic activity with written activity as well. "

When a student comes to preschool, Mrs. Coats and the teachers grow relationships with the students and their families. Mrs. Coats said, "I enjoy being with the children and watching them fall in love with learning. Even watching them make friends and learning to be a good friend is a part of their education."

Parents have appreciated the care and instruction their children have received. Some have taken the time to express their thoughts:

"Preschool was not something I had really planned on for my children. I had early childhood training, and I was reluctant to leave them in a daycare program. However, I was happy to leave my children in the loving care of the preschool ladies. They would lovingly teach, correct and instruct my children. My boys were academically prepared for school, and they were taught the biblical principles we were endeavoring to teach in our home - a genuine love for our God that grows a sincere love for others."   -Lydia Daniel, FCS faculty

Click here to view photos. 
