
Encountering God

A Few of the Things We Learned under the influence of the ERM Team:

Monday: Brother Ardy Parlin talked about how to recognize what are invisible giants, and how to conquer them. "This message helped me because I have an invisible giant. It helped me see how I can overcome it. Mr. Parlin said, 'If you don't get rid of an invisible giant fast, then it will start to control your life. But with God's help, you can overcome it." -Kylie Gaines, eighth grade

Tuesday: Discussing how to be a good friend, Mr. Parlin also dealt with choosing a good friend. "I have learned that being a good friend is more than just being there for someone. Sometimes you may have to tell them things that will make them upset but will be better for them in the long run." -Samuel Daniel, junior

Wednesday: Concerning a relationship with the Lord, Mr. Parlin taught on how to keep from stumbling in one's relationship with the Lord, and how to move forward from there. "This day helped me realize that I do stumble, but I have to be in God's Word so that I stumble less. The more time I spend with Him, the less I struggle." -Kenlyn Scott, sixth grade

Thursday: Brother Parlin explained the steps to an effective quiet time with God. "This day spoke to me the most because that has been such an emphasis this year. Mr. Daniel had really emphasized time spent with the Lord, and then in basketball practice, he said that he most of all wanted us to be men of God. I really think God has been pushing this in my life and speaking to me about being more committed and better with my devotions." -Cameron Smith, junior

Friday: Wrapping up the week, the students learned about how to make a difference in other people's lives and what is holding people back from sharing the Gospel. "This day really helped me. I haven't forgotten the drama about the guy hiding under the blanket. He was too scared to tell the life-changing news he had because someone might look at him funny. God helped me realize that we have this free gift of salvation that can save lives, but we are to afraid to share it." -Zackery Hughes, junior

The elementary through high school classes spent one to two hours a day being taught biblical truths through listening to music, skits with biblical purpose, impact group discussion and also playing games and watching video clips. The student body was truly blessed and challenged from spending the week with the ministry team.

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